Isobars Hell

Published on 22 October 2024 at 10:51

The Upwards Trajectory HELL of Isobars is currently OUT OF CONTROL... Feels like I've been HIT BY A PLANET & then hit by a SUPER Bullet Train SMASHING my back right into a brick wall at ULTRASONIC Speed.... Fibro [/FND] FLAREUP Is Always Just UTTER SHITTING HELL ON EARTH To Have To Endure Until It FINALLY FUCKS OFF AGAIN..... Ish.

There's only SO MUCH is ever DOES Fuck Off, or Recede.....

Paresthesia is RIFE and AGONY - It's the VERY WORST PART Now the REAL PAIN has been Dealt With by Zomorph....


There's only SO MUCH is ever DOES Fuck Off, or Recede.....


Paresthesia is RIFE and AGONY - It's the VERY WORST PART Now the REAL PAIN has been Dealt With by Zomorph....

  • EVERYWHERE Feels Like It's Being Electrocuted by an Empire State Building Sized Cattle Prod, Ten MEGA TENS Machines (MEGA-SUPER BUZZING) & About 15 PYLONS. AT ONCE... ALL. THE. TIME... LITERALLY ABSOLUTELY EVERYWHERE - You name it and it's AGONY.... Hair, Ears, Cheeks & Cheekbones, Eyelids & Eyelashes, Nose (VERY Bad), Finger Nails, Knuckles, Shoulder Blades, Teeth & Tongue (Mainly BUZZING), Neck... If I've missed somewhere out it's because I Just Cannot Concentrate Enough To Manage - THIS much has been hard enough....
  • Back is AGONY to move even a FRACTION, like it's been broken or smashed into a wall
  • Eyes are BURNING - Hot Sand, Acid, Sandpaper, ULTRAMEGA FATIGUE & EXHAUSTION all attacking them & ALL At The Same Time -- Also CANNOT FOCUS PROPERLY AT ALL - like having MEGA OLD prescription glasses on (not the case, and NON-flareup time are perfectly FINE).... And LIGHTS DIM DOWN at AT LEAST 50% of what it IS, often MORE... So Everyone else can see BRIGHT Lights but to me it can look more like it does at Late Dusk outside...
  • Fingers can barely move or be manipulated... Stiff or Just Entirely unmoving... Can barely type this - LOADS of corrected typos (thank gods for Spell-checker), so it's at least readable... And the rest of it is muscle memory and PAIN of moving them AT ALL.... Can't make fists; can't close even a little bit, actually - can pinch fingertips to thumb, JUST, and basically can't really HOLD stuff well, or at all, etc.... AND Fingertips a NUMB - can't feel them, and can hardly feel a thing with them, too - That even includes TEMPERATURE, as well, so holding cold and HOT things do not really register in my mind, can burn myself.
  • HEAD IS POUNDING & SKULL IS AGONY (see also above, First Point & Third Point)
  • Unable to THINK OR FOCUS... MEGA BRAIN FOG, ZONEOUTS... MAJOR BLACKOUTS.... Thoughts are like wading through Oatmeal-Infused-Custard in odl-fashioned LEad-lined Diving Suits... No processing, not able to understand what people are saying, what time or day, or even year, it is......... Amnesia that causes a LOT of Fear
  • Breathing is EXTREMELY DIFFICULT.... First of all, I am Literally TOO EXHAUSTED to actually Breathe.... Which then makes breathing REALLY DIFFICULT To Manage. On the other side of it, is that I Physically Can't Breathe Properly because the muscles spasm TIGHT around my Rib Cage, meaning they can't expand - and Breaths are slow and shallow, and not as often as they should be... Sometimes it feels like there's not enough air in the atmosphere to manage to breathe almost at all, and I have to really try and fight (and against All The Above) for any and all Air..... Which is Freaking TERRIFYING Now...
  • Eating happens usually after ALL Meds Have Been Taken -- which is after 10:30pm... Sometimes (IF I'm Lucky) it might be an hour or two after Zomorph (which take approx 6-7pm)... Too Often on Days Like These, it ends up being Not At All... Just a few things made with sugar to keep blood sugar levels up.... They're easy to hold and eat -- and MOST importantly, easy for my system to process them... Because when it's difficult and takes Digestion Spoons - I BLACK OUT BADLY & HARD, because it is SO SO EXHAUSTINGLY Too Much for my system to handle...
  • Drinking pretty much does NOT Happen. Except, maybe like with eating, after ALL Meds have been taken (after 10:30pm). Drinking WATER-BASED drinks or Actual Water is like drinking PURE ACID - and the PAIN is AGONISING. So I basically can't drink the two things that I CAN -- Espresso/Doppio and Volvic Passion Fruit Water... I get Minor Dehydration during these periods, and if it's bad enough, my system will eventually force me to drink what feels like half my bodyweight in water - causing EVEN MORE PAIN & NAUSEA... [GAH!!!]
  • Have To Try And Do EVERYTHING POSSIBLE to AVOID Going To The Bathroom.... The AGONISING process of it doesn't bear thinking about, if forced to actually go [by my system - I would Always Just Plain Ignore People telling me....]

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