
Healthcare has never been my strongest suit. That seems to be quite standard for Autistic People, but of course if helps if you happen to know you're Autistic in the first place. I wasn't Diagnosed as Autistic until I was 33 years old, so until then neither my parents or myself knew that things would not be "standard" as standard. We did, however, learn quickly that I had my "Quirks" and that my body was not one that was particularly enamoured with...Well... Much of Anything.
I had intense & severe Migraine Headaches growing up, from about 8 years old. Allergies and Severe Intolerances piled onto me until I was breaking beneath them; food, medication & skin. Another thing I didn't find out until I was in my 30s was that the allergy-induced blisters on the palm of my hands (which I'd had since I was 10) really was a Thing, called Pompholyx (dyshidrotic eczema).
I had lumbar disc degeneration at 13, leading to a lifetime of back pain, exacerbated by the three times I fell off a horse - and one of them quite seriously. When I was 17 - unbeknownst to me at the time - the Severe Migraine Headaches mutated into Hemiplegic Migraines. I just thought my spine had half packed it in, with my Right Side perpetually weaker and randomly becoming paralyzed for a time. It didn't help that the Consultant Neurologist that saw me decided I had Hysterical Paralysis - Genuinely. Again, I was in my 30s when I discovered the real cause for it, as well.
Fibromyalgia basically put an H-Bomb into the mix & Decimated... Everything. From November 2013 onward, forever, a new catastrophic Normal was built around the Ruins of what had been left.
ALLERGIES & Sensitivities:
Bell Peppers
Chili Peppers
Milk Products (but cheese is fine)
Eggs (high intolerance)
MSG / E621 [Monosodium Glutamate]
- Generally prefer vegetarian/vegan eating
- Hyper-sensitive to tasty and spicy foods: Bland food mostly eaten
- However, this illness also makes me queasy at things that I usually like and have no issues with specifically (bit like Pregnancy.....)
ALL Anti-Coagulant Medication [Von Willebrand's Disease / VWD]
Codeine - ALL Forms
ALL Tricyclic Antidepressants
"Sunset Yellow" - Quinoline - E110
Most creams, soaps, shampoo/conditioners, lotions, etc.
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